Serves: 4 people
Cooking Time: 40 minutes

4 Skin on Boneless Chicken Breast
4 Tablespoons Premade Pesto
4 Slices Pre-Packed Prosciutto
4 Slices Swiss Cheese
Pinch of Salt & Pepper

Preheat oven to 450°. Season each chicken breast with salt and pepper. Gently peal back the skin being very careful not to rip or tear it, and season underneath with salt and pepper. Next take 1 tablespoon of the premade pesto and smear it on top of each chicken breast (under the skin). Followed with a piece of prosciutto and a slice of Swiss cheese. Once complete, fold the skin back over the ingredients and place each breast onto the non-stick sheet pan. Bake in oven for 25-30 minutes or until cooked. Serve with pasta, salad, or any favorite side dish.

Easter Sunday Stuffed Chicken Breast Recipe

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